Juniors Turning 18
The Club hopes that Juniors will have enjoyed their membership. We will write to them in the year of their 18th birthday to inform them that their Junior Membership will come to an end on 31 December of the same year and to invite them to apply for full membership.

This is not an automatic process and the Elections Committee interviews all candidates under the age of 21, whether or not they have already been Junior Members.
We are sometimes asked why the Club has this policy, given that many Junior Members will already have been enjoying the Club’s facilities and participating in Club life for a number of years. The reason is that young people are now applying to join the Club in their own right, and for the future, rather than as a family member. The Club is interested in the person as an individual and prospective adult member of the Club.
Accordingly, we ask applicants turning 18 to tell us as much as possible about themselves and their interests – completing their own form, rather than allowing others to do so on their behalf. This gives the Elections Committee a good starting point for discussion when they meet the person at their interview.
We ask that the application form or online application is completed by the applicant and the two Full Members who are acting as proposer and seconder no later than 26 August. This allows the application to be processed and the interview to be arranged in time, so that those Junior Members who do go on to continue using the clubhouses can do so without interruption. Successful applicants are invited to take up their full membership as of 1 January.
The Membership Team will be glad to help with any queries about the process or individual circumstances, such as gap-year travel, that could restrict interview availability. Please email members@royalautomobileclub.co.uk or call 01372 229600.